Volunteer Call Out

We need you!

We are seeking some volunteers to assist us on match day and help us grow the club this summer.

Hurricane Bar Servers

We now have our own cabin/ bar where we have canned drinks and merchandise available. All proceeds go to the club in this bar so we are seeking a small number of volunteers to help make running the bar possible. All that is required is for volunteers to take payment and serve supporters and be part of a game day team.

Gate Entry Meeting & Greeting

We need some volunteers to assist in meeting and greeting supporters such as dealing with questions and looking after elderly or disabled fans. We have one entry point into the event that needs to be managed by volunteers with a smile while security staff can manage the safety and parking at the venue and flow between the car park, main club and event.

Please let us know by message or email if you can help. This is a very important aspect of our game day operation and success of the club.

Volunteers will get merchandise, a season ticket, streetfood and drinks provided when they can assist the club.

Contact the Hurricanes:



Hurricanes Media