Chairman's Deal: Free challenge cup final tickets as a thank you!

A Thank you and a gift from the Chairman, Mike Lomas.

With the move to the Alexander Stadium the Midlands Hurricanes have witnessed record season ticket sales with an increase of 220%. Our Chairman, Mike Lomas, would like to thank the fans for their loyalty and reward them with Challenge Cup final tickets at Wembley.

Mike Says;

“Over the last year I have been incredibly honoured to meet a variety of personalities in the Midlands who have been loyal to the growth of the Midlands Hurricanes. I have been humbled by the kindness and generosity of the local’s that have got behind the club and assisted the growth of the Rugby League sport in the Midlands. Our aim is, and always has been, to grow the sport of Rugby League in the Midlands area and make the sport accessible to the community by working with pathways to allow for growth and inclusion for the future.

When we announced the move to the Alexander stadium there was undoubtably a ‘buzz’ regarding the move and this was met with phenomenal season ticket sales. These sales allow us to ensure we can build a sustainable club in the Midlands area and re-invest to ensure we have solid foundations for the future.

As a thank you, I think it pertinent to award all people who have bought season tickets up to 28th February 2023 2 x Free tickets to the Challenge Cup final at Wembley.

Again, I would like to thank you all for your on going support, I am incredibly excited for the new season and cannot wait to see you all there enjoying the new facilities!”


If you have already bought your season ticket you can redeem your Challenge cup Final tickets by clicking on the below link

Free Challenge Cup Final Tickets for Season Ticket Holders — Midlands Hurricanes

All new season ticket sales will be automatically issued two Challenge Cup Final Tickets!

Mike Lomas